Made in Wario
Released in Japan: 03.21.03
WarioWare: Mega Microgame$!
Released in USA: 05.21.03

Release Info
Platform: GameBoy Advance
Players: 1-2
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
WarioWare: Minigame Mania
Released in Europe: 05.23.03

WarioWare: Mega Microgame$! is the one that started all this craziness. Despite the high reviews for Wario's previous blockbuster, Wario Land 4, Nintendo decided to take Wario's games in an entirely new direction. No longer is Wario a Mario-hating, freeloading, money-grubbing treasure hunter. Now he's a Mario-hating, freeloading, money-grubbing businessman. (Which is just as well, since the successor to Wario Land - Wario World - was atrocious.)

Wario is the reason you freeloaders are here, right? He'll show you the ropes with some introductory games that tend to appear in other developers' lineups too, cause they're just that good. Jimmy T. seems to be stuck in the 70s - he's got disco fever, and he's taking you along for the ride. His disco mania is too large for just his lineup - he runs two remixes of games too. 9-Volt's set of games is the one that all you retro freeloaders drool about. Nothing but classic Nintendo here - even some stuff that's more classic than Jimmy's moves. (Then again, I suppose that there are lots of things more classic than Jimmy's moves.)
Mona's got a bunch of strange games, which certainly fits in well with her strange pets that help her get out of her job-related troubles; in this case, being late for work. Oh, and there's the little matter of 100 or so cops chasing her. Dribble and Spitz are the local cabbies, who seem to get into all sorts of strange sci-fi and fantasy stuff. Their games are like that too, but with a definite Japanese influence. Kat and Ana are two 6-year old ninja girls who are devoted to each other, their pets, and the pursuit of justice. (I think.) Here, Kat's trying to save Ana and some prince from an evil spirit. (I don't make this stuff up; I just repeat it. *sigh*)
Orbulon's got an IQ of 300, but he still manages to get himself into all sorts of tight spots. His spaceship has been nearly totaled after he ran it into an asteroid (how many do you think he had to drink?), and a bunch of space bunnies are trying to rescue him (how many do you think the developers had to drink?). Dr. Crygor is the requisite mad scientist. He's gone a bit overboard with his latest invention, and now has some gastrointestinal distress that much be relieved immediately. Wario's the star of this game - you freeloaders didn't think he'd let you get away that easily, did you? He's back with a whole new set of games sure to make you tear your hair out.

Currently, our selection of downloads is fairly limited, but we'll be adding more soon. Remember, free does not equal a smorgasboard.